Friday, 21 September 2012

Editing Poly's

In this demo we started to experiment with convertible polys. We created a box 32x32x32 and then started to use simple tools to create a simple castle. 

Texturing a Box

We started by creating a box with the parameters of 32x32x32.

Then we selected the UV map on the parameters and modifier list.

Then we selected all the faces of the cube.

We then laid them out in this position.

Then we meged all of the faaces together to create an outline.

We then put those lines in photoshop and and created a box using different sides of a base.

This is a screen shot of the box after i used some lighting effects and crated a plain.

Box bottom

Side 1


Side 3

Side 4

Box top

Uv map used in photoshop

Further experiemantaion

Extended experimentaion to try and use the boxes in a game environment. creating a gap makes it a good point to shoot though while still in cover.

Plain texture used.

UVW Mapping

We created a box and applied a texture, then we duplicated the box and scaled the copies one so that the texture was stretched. Then we used the modifier tab to use the UVW map modifier. By switching the mapping to box, we scaled the texture so it looks more like the other box.